Definition of patchy


loang lổ


The word "patchy" has its origins in the 14th century. During this time, a "patch" referred to a small, irregular piece of cloth used to repair or mend a torn or worn-out fabric. The word "patchy" likely emerged from the idea of something being covered or irregularly repaired with these patches. In the 16th century, the word "patchy" began to be used to describe not just physical fabrics, but also the appearance of something, such as hair or weather, being irregularly covered or damaged. Today, "patchy" is often used to describe things that are uneven, sparse, or lacking consistency, such as a patchy haircut or a patchy lawn. The word has evolved significantly from its original meaning, but its connection to the idea of small, irregular pieces of cloth remains a strong influence on its modern usage.


existing or happening in some places and not others

tồn tại hoặc xảy ra ở một số nơi và không xảy ra ở những nơi khác

  • patchy fog

    sương mù loang lổ

  • The grass was dry and patchy.

    Cỏ khô và loang lổ.

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not complete; good in some parts, but not in others

không hoàn chỉnh; tốt ở một số phần, nhưng không tốt ở những phần khác

  • a patchy knowledge of Spanish

    một kiến ​​thức không đồng đều về tiếng Tây Ban Nha

  • It was a patchy performance.

    Đó là một màn trình diễn chắp vá.

  • The local provision of facilities is decidedly patchy.

    Việc cung cấp cơ sở vật chất tại địa phương thực sự không đồng đều.

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