Definition of spit


nhổ nước bọt


The word "spit" has been in use for centuries, originally to mean "to throw or hurl" in Old English. This usage can still be seen in words like "spit fire," which describes something being thrown or hurled forcefully, in this case, sparks or flames. However, the most common use of the word "spit" today is associated with the act of expectorating or spitting out saliva or other fluids. This usage likely derives from the Old Norse word "spíta," which means "to spit" or "expectorate," and which was adopted into the English language in the Middle Ages. Another theory suggests that the word "spit" may have originated from the Germanic word "spītan," which originally meant "to pierce" or "impale." This may be because an early form of cooking involved impaling food on a spit and rotating it over a fire until it was cooked through. This usage is still evident in words like "spit-roast" or "spit-jack," which refer to a device used to rotate meat on a spit during the cooking process. Overall, the exact origin of the word "spit" is disputed, with different theories offering a range of possible etymologies. However, what is clear is that the word has a rich and varied history, spanning multiple languages and dialects over many centuries.

from mouth

to force liquid, food, etc. out of your mouth

để đẩy chất lỏng, thức ăn, vv ra khỏi miệng của bạn

  • She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly spat it out.

    Cô nuốt một ngụm thức ăn rồi đột nhiên nhổ ra.

  • He was spitting blood from a badly cut lip.

    Anh ta đang phun máu từ một đôi môi bị cắt nặng.

to force saliva (= the liquid that is produced in the mouth) out of your mouth, often as a sign of anger or lack of respect

buộc nước bọt (= chất lỏng được tạo ra trong miệng) ra khỏi miệng của bạn, thường là dấu hiệu của sự tức giận hoặc thiếu tôn trọng

  • He coughed and spat.

    Anh ho và nhổ nước bọt.

  • The prisoners were spat on by their guards.

    Các tù nhân đã bị lính canh của họ nhổ nước bọt vào mặt.

  • She spat in his face and went out.

    Cô nhổ vào mặt anh rồi đi ra ngoài.

  • A gang of youths swore and spat at officials outside the stadium.

    Một nhóm thanh niên chửi bới, nhổ nước bọt vào quan chức bên ngoài sân vận động.

say something angrily

to say something in an angry or aggressive way

nói điều gì đó một cách tức giận hoặc hung hăng

  • ‘You liar!’ she spat.

    ‘Đồ dối trá!’ cô nhổ nước bọt.

  • He was dragged out of the court, spitting abuse at the judge and jury.

    Anh ta bị lôi ra khỏi tòa án, lăng mạ thẩm phán và bồi thẩm đoàn.

of an animal

to make a short angry sound

để tạo ra một âm thanh giận dữ ngắn

  • Snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.

    Rắn khạc nhổ và rít lên khi bị dồn vào chân tường.

  • The cat arched its back and spat at the dog.

    Con mèo cong lưng và nhổ nước bọt vào con chó.

of something cooking/burning

to make a noise and throw out fat, sparks, etc.

để tạo ra tiếng động và thải ra chất béo, tia lửa, v.v.

  • sausages spitting in the frying pan

    xúc xích nhổ vào chảo rán

  • The logs on the fire crackled and spat.

    Những khúc gỗ trên đống lửa kêu lách tách và nổ tung.


when it is spitting, it is raining lightly

lúc đang nhổ thì trời mưa nhẹ


spit it out
(informal)usually used in orders to tell somebody to say something when they seem frightened or unwilling to speak
  • If you've got something to say, spit it out!
  • spit venom/blood
    to show that you are very angry; to speak in an angry way
  • She looked at him with eyes that spat venom.
  • She surveyed him coldly with eyes that spat venom.
  • within spitting distance (of something)
    (informal)very close
  • We live within spitting distance of the bus station.
  • We came within touching distance of winning the cup.