Definition of sordid


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The word "sordid" originally came from the Latin word "sordidus," which meant "covered in dirt or mud." This root word, "sord-," can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word "sarth-," which also meant "soiled" or "filthy." In Latin, the word "sordidus" was used to describe anything that was dirty, grubby, or unclean. By the Middle Ages, the term had come to carry additional connotations, including: shameful, ignoble, or degrading. In modern times, "sordid" continues to be used as an adjective to describe things that are squalid, unclean, or morally corrupt. The origins of "sordid" provoke questions about how our perceptions of cleanliness and hygiene have evolved over time. In ancient times, dirt and filth were often regarded as a natural part of life, and people didn't go to great lengths to clean themselves or their surroundings. Instead, they accepted and adapted to the messiness of everyday life. It was only as living conditions improved and cultural attitudes changed that the concept of "sordid" began to take on wider, more moralistic meanings. So, to summarize, the word "sordid" started out as a straightforward descriptor for things that were dirty, but over the centuries, it has entered into a more complex semantic landscape, encompassing not just matters of hygiene but also moral values and judgments.


not moral or honest

không có đạo đức hoặc trung thực

  • It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past.

    Thật sốc khi phát hiện ra sự thật về quá khứ bẩn thỉu của mình.

  • I didn't want to hear the sordid details of their relationship.

    Tôi không muốn nghe những chi tiết bẩn thỉu về mối quan hệ của họ.

  • I don’t care about you and your sordid little affairs!

    Tôi không quan tâm đến bạn và những chuyện nhỏ nhặt bẩn thỉu của bạn!

very dirty and unpleasant

rất bẩn và khó chịu

  • people living in sordid conditions

    những người sống trong điều kiện bẩn thỉu

  • These were the urban poor, living in the sordid back streets and alleys of prosperous Victorian cities.

    Đây là những người nghèo thành thị, sống trong những con đường và ngõ hẻm bẩn thỉu của các thành phố thịnh vượng ở Victoria.

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