Definition of somnolence


buồn ngủ


The word "somnolence" originated from the Latin words "somnus," meaning sleep, and "tolere," meaning to tolerate or endure. In the 15th century, the term "somnolence" emerged to describe a condition of drowsiness, lethargy, or lack of energy, often caused by excessive sleep or a physical or mental disorder. In the 17th century, the term was used to describe a type of mental fog or mental lethargy, making it difficult to focus or concentrate. Today, somnolence is used to describe a state of drowsiness, often experienced after a heavy meal, a warm bath, or due to a medical condition such as narcolepsy. Interesting, isn't it? Would you like to know more about sleep disorders or the linguistic history of other words?


the state of being almost asleep

trạng thái gần như ngủ

  • The patients did not report daytime somnolence.

    Bệnh nhân không báo cáo tình trạng buồn ngủ vào ban ngày.

the fact of making you feel tired

thực tế làm cho bạn cảm thấy mệt mỏi

  • the air-conditioned somnolence of the Arts Centre

    sự buồn ngủ do máy lạnh của Trung tâm Nghệ thuật