Definition of slave


nô lệ


The word "slave" has a complex and often troubling history. Its origins can be traced back to ancient times, where it was used to describe people who were forced into servitude against their will. In its earliest known usage, in the sixth century BC, the Greek word "doulos" referred to a debtor who had pledged himself or his estate as collateral. This meaning evolved over time to include those who had been captured in war and sold into servitude, or those who were born into servitude as the property of another person. The Latin equivalent of "doulos" was "servus," from which we get the modern word "servant." The meaning of "servus" similarly evolved over time, eventually coming to refer to any person subjected to the will of another, whether through choice or coercion. The English word "slave" is derived from the Old French "esclave" and the medieval Latin word "sclavus," both of which were used to refer to people of Slavic origin who were captured and enslaved by Vikings, Magyars, and other invaders. In this sense, "slave" has a pejorative connotation still in use today. Overall, the term "slave" carries with it a long and troubled history, steeped in images of force, coercion, and servitude. Its emotional valence has often been used to dehumanize entire populations and justify acts of brutality and oppression, leaving a lasting impact on our society's understanding of race, class, and human rights.


a person who is owned by another person and is forced to work for and obey them

một người thuộc sở hữu của người khác và bị buộc phải làm việc và tuân theo họ

  • A former slave, he graduated from Claflin University in South Carolina.

    Từng là nô lệ, anh tốt nghiệp Đại học Claflin ở Nam Carolina.

  • She treated her daughter like a slave.

    Bà đối xử với con gái mình như một nô lệ.

  • the slave trader Edward Colston

    người buôn nô lệ Edward Colston

  • freed slaves

    Nô lệ giải phóng

  • Prisoners of war were regularly sold as slaves.

    Tù binh chiến tranh thường xuyên bị bán làm nô lệ.

Related words and phrases

a person who is so strongly influenced by something that they cannot live without it, or cannot make their own decisions

người bị ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ bởi điều gì đó đến mức họ không thể sống thiếu nó hoặc không thể tự đưa ra quyết định

  • We are slaves of the motor car.

    Chúng ta là nô lệ của ô tô.

  • Sue's a slave to fashion.

    Sue là nô lệ của thời trang.

a device that is directly controlled by another one

một thiết bị được điều khiển trực tiếp bởi một thiết bị khác