Definition of shrilly


chói tai


The word "shrilly" originates from Old English and has a fascinating history. It is derived from the Old English word "scyrlian," which means "to shrink" or "to shrink back." This word is also related to the Proto-Germanic word "*skeriz," which carries a sense of sudden movement or withdrawal. Over time, the meaning of "shrilly" broadened to encompass a range of tonal qualities, including high-pitched, ear-piercing, and screaming sounds. In the 15th century, the word "shrilly" began to be used to describe a sharp, strident, or, as we would say today, ear-splitting sound. In modern English, "shrilly" is often used to describe a sound that is loud, piercing, or unpleasant. For example, "the child's shrilly voices filled the playground" or "the siren shrilly pierced the night air."


in a very high, loud and unpleasant way

theo một cách rất cao, ồn ào và khó chịu

  • She laughed shrilly.

    Cô ấy cười the thé.

Related words and phrases

in a way that is loud and determined but often unreasonable

theo cách lớn tiếng và quyết đoán nhưng thường vô lý

  • They shrilly opposed the idea.

    Họ kịch liệt phản đối ý tưởng này.