Definition of abruptly


đột ngột


"Abruptly" originates from the Latin word "abruptus," meaning "broken off" or "steep." This word is formed by the prefix "ab-" (away, off) and the root "ruptus," meaning "broken." The original sense of "broken off" evolved to describe sudden changes in direction or movement, leading to the modern meaning of "suddenly and unexpectedly." The word was adopted into English in the 15th century and has remained a common descriptor for abruptness ever since.


in a sudden, unexpected and often unpleasant way

một cách đột ngột, bất ngờ và thường khó chịu

  • The interview ended abruptly.

    Cuộc phỏng vấn kết thúc đột ngột.

in a way that seems rude and unfriendly, without taking time to say more than is necessary

theo cách có vẻ thô lỗ và không thân thiện, không mất thời gian để nói nhiều hơn mức cần thiết

  • ‘Come here!’ she said abruptly.

    ‘Hãy đến đây!’ cô ấy đột ngột nói.

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