Definition of shabbily


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The word "shabbily" has its roots in the 14th century. It is a suffix-based word that has evolved from the Old French phrase "en shabbes," which means "in a lazy or idle manner." This phrase was derived from the Hebrew word "shabbat," meaning "day of rest," which referred to the Jewish Sabbath. Over time, the term "en shabbes" was adapted into Middle English as "shabbesly," suggesting a lack of care or attention. In the 16th century, this term was shortened to "shabily," and eventually, the spelling was standardized to "shabbily." Today, the word is used to describe something that is done in a careless or haphazard manner, often implying a lack of skill or attention to detail.


in a way that looks untidy and in poor condition because things have been worn or used a lot

theo cách trông lộn xộn và trong tình trạng tồi tệ vì đồ vật đã bị mòn hoặc sử dụng nhiều

  • He was shabbily dressed.

    Anh ta ăn mặc rất lôi thôi.

  • a shabbily furnished room

    một căn phòng được trang trí tồi tàn

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in an unfair or unreasonable way

theo cách không công bằng hoặc vô lý

  • I think you were very shabbily treated.

    Tôi nghĩ là bạn đã bị đối xử rất tệ.

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