Definition of seduce


quyến rũ


The word "seduce" has its roots in Latin, where it was spelled "seducere," meaning "to lead astray" or "to deceive." The Latin word is a combination of "se-" (meaning "away" or "from") and "ducere" (meaning "to lead"). In Roman law, "seducere" referred to the act of leading someone away from the path of virtue, often through deceptive means. During the Middle Ages, the word "seduce" entered Old French as "seduire," and its meaning expanded to include the idea of tempting or alluring someone towards a particular behavior or action, often in a deceitful or immoral way. Over time, the word's connotation has evolved to encompass a range of meanings, including romantic or sexual attraction, temptation, and corruption. Despite its changing meanings, the core idea of "seduce" remains tied to the original notion of leading someone away from what is considered virtuous or proper.


to persuade somebody to have sex with you, especially somebody who is younger or who has less experience than you

thuyết phục ai đó quan hệ tình dục với bạn, đặc biệt là người trẻ hơn hoặc có ít kinh nghiệm hơn bạn

to persuade somebody to do something that they would not usually agree to do by making it seem very attractive

thuyết phục ai đó làm điều gì đó mà họ thường không đồng ý làm bằng cách làm cho nó có vẻ rất hấp dẫn

  • The promise of huge profits seduced him into parting with his money.

    Lời hứa về lợi nhuận khổng lồ đã dụ dỗ anh ta chia tay số tiền của mình.

  • advertisements that seduce us with promises

    những quảng cáo quyến rũ chúng ta bằng những lời hứa hẹn

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