Definition of woo




The word "woo" has a rich history! Its origins date back to the 14th century, derived from the Old English word "wegan," which means "to move softly." Initially, "woo" referred to the act of wooing or courting someone, often in a seductive or charming manner. Over time, the meaning of "woo" expanded to include various connotations. In the 17th century, it began to imply a sense of persuasion or convincing, often in a romantic or social context. For example, "I'm going to woo you with my best pickup lines!" In the modern era, "woo" has taken on additional meanings, such as expressing enthusiasm or excitement ("I'm going to woo the crowd with my epic guitar solo!"). Its evolution reflects the shifting social norms, cultural values, and linguistic innovations of the time.


to try to get the support of somebody

cố gắng để có được sự hỗ trợ của ai đó

  • Voters are being wooed with promises of lower taxes.

    Cử tri đang bị thu hút bởi những lời hứa về mức thuế thấp hơn.

  • Selected items are being sold at half price to woo customers into the store.

    Các mặt hàng được chọn đang được bán với giá chỉ bằng một nửa để thu hút khách hàng đến cửa hàng.

to try to persuade a woman to love him and marry him

cố gắng thuyết phục một người phụ nữ yêu anh ta và cưới anh ta

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