Definition of sculpt


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The word "sculpt" comes from the Latin word "sculpere," which means "to cut" or "to carve." The Latin word ultimately derives from the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) root "skel-," which refers to the act of cutting or splitting. In ancient Rome, sculpture was a highly respected art form that involved carving or shaping materials like stone, bronze, or wood. Sculptors did not just work with their hands – they also used tools like chisels, hammers, and drills to carve out intricate designs. The act of sculpting required immense skill, patience, and attention to detail. Sculptors had to consider factors like the texture and density of the materials they were working with, as well as the desired shape and form of the final object. As civilizations evolved and new materials became available, sculpture techniques and styles changed. For example, during the Renaissance in Italy, sculptors began to work more with marble and created sculptures that were more realistic and lifelike than those of ancient Rome. Today, sculpture continues to be a vibrant and dynamic art form. Sculptors push the boundaries of what is possible with materials like steel, glass, and plastic, creating works that defy traditional expectations of what a sculpture should be. Technology has also played a significant role in sculpture, with the advent of digital sculpting and 3D printing allowing for previously impossible shapes and designs. Overall, the word "sculpt" continues to reflect the artistic and technical traditions that it has carried for centuries – a testament to the enduring power of carving and shaping materials to create something beautiful, meaningful, and truly unique.


to make figures or objects by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, metal, etc.

tạo ra các hình tượng hoặc đồ vật bằng cách chạm khắc hoặc tạo hình bằng gỗ, đá, đất sét, kim loại, v.v.

  • a display of animals sculpted in ice

    trưng bày các loài động vật được điêu khắc trên băng

  • The figures were sculpted from single blocks of marble.

    Các hình tượng được điêu khắc từ những khối đá cẩm thạch duy nhất.

to give something a particular shape

để cung cấp cho một cái gì đó một hình dạng cụ thể

  • a coastline sculpted by the wind and sea

    một bờ biển được tạo nên bởi gió và biển