Definition of rove


đi lang thang


The word "rove" originally comes from the Old English word "hreof," which had multiple meanings, including "household," "dwelling," "farmstead," and "settlement." Over time, "hreof" evolved into the Middle English word "roof," which referred to the roof of a building as well as the structure itself. The Old English phrase "on þæs hreofes because," meaning "on the homestead's outskirts," became the Middle English phrase "on roofes becosynge," which altered to "on rofes becosen," and eventually shortened to just "rove" or "roves." The modern meaning of "rove" is "to travel about or wander aimlessly," which is derived from the Old English verb "rāwan," meaning "to drive" or "to herd," as in the driving or guiding of livestock. In summary, the word "rove" evolved from its original meaning of "household" or "dwelling" in Old English, to refer to traveling or wandering in Middle English, due to changes in pronunciation and meaning over time.


to travel around an area, especially a large one

đi du lịch xung quanh một khu vực, đặc biệt là một khu vực rộng lớn

  • We had TV reporters roving around the county looking for a story.

    Chúng tôi có các phóng viên truyền hình đi khắp quận để tìm kiếm một câu chuyện.

  • bands of thieves who roved the countryside

    băng cướp lang thang khắp vùng nông thôn

Related words and phrases

if somebody’s eyes rove, they keep looking in different directions

nếu mắt ai đó đảo quanh, họ sẽ tiếp tục nhìn về các hướng khác nhau

  • Ali’s eyes roved over the map.

    Đôi mắt của Ali đảo khắp bản đồ.