Definition of meander


quanh co


The word "meander" derives from the ancient Greek river Mæander, which winded and twisted its way through the landscape. The river's name, in turn, comes from the Greek verb meandoun, which means "to wind" or "to turn back upon itself." The term "meander" was first used in English in the early 17th century to describe winding or sinuous lines, such as those found in intricate decorative patterns. Today, the word is commonly used to refer to winding or wavy pathways, and in a broader sense, it can describe any slow, twisting, or more leisurely movement or process. The Mæander River served as a prominent example in ancient Greek literature and art, and its name and image became a symbol of changeability and continuity. The river's journey is a metaphor for the twists and turns of life, and the idea of following a meandering path has been used to represent a more leisurely, contemplative, or flexible approach to navigating the world.


to bend with curves rather than being in a straight line

uốn cong theo đường cong thay vì theo đường thẳng

  • The stream meanders slowly down to the sea.

    Dòng suối uốn khúc dần dần đổ ra biển.

  • The road meanders along the valley floor.

    Con đường uốn khúc dọc theo đáy thung lũng.

to walk slowly and change direction often, especially without a particular aim

đi chậm và thay đổi hướng thường xuyên, đặc biệt là không có mục tiêu cụ thể

  • They meandered around the old town admiring the architecture.

    Họ đi dạo quanh khu phố cổ để chiêm ngưỡng kiến ​​trúc.

Extra examples:
  • For months we meandered up and down the country.

    Trong nhiều tháng, chúng tôi lang thang khắp đất nước.

  • He meandered slowly through the leafy lanes.

    Anh chậm rãi đi vòng qua những con đường rợp bóng cây.

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to develop slowly and change subject often, in a way that makes it boring or difficult to understand

phát triển chậm và thay đổi chủ đề thường xuyên, theo cách khiến nó trở nên nhàm chán hoặc khó hiểu

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