Definition of roundness


sự tròn trịa


The word "roundness" has a fascinating history. It is derived from the Old English words " rounded" or "ronde", which referred to the shape or form of something curved or circular. The modern English word "roundness" emerged in the 15th century. "Ron" or "round" comes from Germanic roots, connected to the Proto-Germanic word "*rediz" which meant "to bend" or "to curve". This word is also related to the Proto-Indo-European root "*reud-" which conveyed the idea of "to go around" or "to bend". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the adjective "rounded" referred to something with curves, as in "rounded edge". Over time, the word "roundness" became a noun, describing the quality or state of being curved or spherical. Despite its evolution, the core meaning of "roundness" remains the same: a description of the shape or curvature of an object.


the quality of being like a circle or ball in shape

chất lượng giống như hình tròn hoặc hình quả bóng

  • His face had lost its boyish roundness.

    Khuôn mặt của cậu đã mất đi vẻ tròn trịa trẻ trung.

the quality of having a curved shape

chất lượng có hình dạng cong

  • the roundness of her shoulders

    sự tròn trịa của đôi vai cô ấy