Definition of robustly


mạnh mẽ


The word "robustly" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin word "robustus," meaning "strong" or "healthy." In English, the word "robust" referred to something that was physically strong, healthy, or vigorous. Over time, the adjective "robust" evolved to describe people, things, or ideas that were not only physically strong but also energetic, bold, and confident. The adverb "robustly" emerged as a derivative of "robust," meaning with a robust or strong quality. In the 17th century, "robustly" began to be used to describe something that was done with robustness, strength, or vigor. Today, "robustly" is commonly used to describe actions, decisions, or efforts that are made with confidence, energy, and determination. For example, "She approached the challenge robustly" or "The new policy is robustly enforcing stricter security measures."


in a strong and healthy way

theo cách mạnh mẽ và lành mạnh

  • The plants grew robustly.

    Cây phát triển khỏe mạnh.

in a strong way that is not likely to break or fail

một cách mạnh mẽ mà không có khả năng bị phá vỡ hoặc thất bại

  • The furniture was robustly constructed.

    Đồ nội thất được chế tạo chắc chắn.

Related words and phrases

in a strong or determined way that shows you are sure about what you are doing or saying

theo cách mạnh mẽ hoặc quyết đoán cho thấy bạn chắc chắn về những gì bạn đang làm hoặc nói

  • They defended their policies robustly.

    Họ bảo vệ chính sách của mình một cách mạnh mẽ.