Definition of forcibly


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"Forcibly" stems from the Old French word "forcier," meaning "to force." This, in turn, comes from the Latin word "fortis," meaning "strong." The "-ly" suffix signifies an adverb, meaning "in a strong or forceful manner." Therefore, the word "forcibly" traces back to a root meaning "strength," signifying the application of force or compulsion. It suggests an action that is done with power and against resistance.


in a way that involves the use of physical force

theo cách liên quan đến việc sử dụng sức mạnh vật chất

  • Supporters were forcibly removed from the court.

    Những người ủng hộ đã bị buộc phải rời khỏi tòa án.

in a way that makes something very clear

theo cách làm cho điều gì đó trở nên rất rõ ràng

  • It struck me forcibly how honest he'd been.

    Tôi chợt nhận ra anh ấy đã thành thật như thế nào.