Definition of rhetorically


theo lối hùng biện


The word "rhetorically" originates from the Greek word "rhetorikos," meaning "of or pertaining to rhetoric." Rhetoric is the art of persuasive and effective communication, using language to convey ideas, emotions, and arguments. In the 14th century, the Latin term "rhetoricus" was borrowed into Middle English as "rhetorik," referring to the study and use of rhetoric. Over time, the adverbial form "rhetorically" emerged, meaning "in a manner characteristic of rhetoric" or "with a rhetorical flourish." This word is often used to mean "effective in conveyed emotion," implying that the language is powerful and evocative. In modern English, "rhetorically" is often used to describe a statement that is dramatic, expressive, or persuasive, even if it's not necessarily meant to be taken literally.


in a way that is intended to make a statement or to produce an effect rather than to get an answer

theo cách có ý định đưa ra một tuyên bố hoặc tạo ra một hiệu ứng hơn là để có được câu trả lời

  • ‘Do you think I'm stupid?’ she asked rhetorically.

    “Anh có nghĩ tôi ngu ngốc không?” cô hỏi một cách khoa trương.

in a way that is intended to influence people although it is not completely honest or sincere

theo cách có chủ đích gây ảnh hưởng đến mọi người mặc dù nó không hoàn toàn trung thực hoặc chân thành

by using the art of rhetoric

bằng cách sử dụng nghệ thuật hùng biện

  • a rhetorically structured essay

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