Definition of figuratively


theo nghĩa bóng


The word "figuratively" originated in the 15th century from the Latin phrase "figurativus," meaning "shaped like a figure" or "representing a figure." The term was initially used in art and literature to describe something that is representational or symbolic, rather than literal. In the 16th century, the word took on a broader meaning, referring to something that is not meant to be taken literally, but rather is a way of speaking or describing something in a more creative or imaginative way. For example, "I'm dying of laughter" might be said figuratively to mean that someone is extremely amused, rather than actually dying. Today, "figuratively" is used to clarify that someone is speaking metaphorically, hyperbolically, or idiomatically, rather than literally.


in a way that involves using words or phrases with a meaning that is different from usual, in order to create a particular mental picture

theo cách liên quan đến việc sử dụng các từ hoặc cụm từ có ý nghĩa khác với bình thường, để tạo ra một hình ảnh tinh thần cụ thể

  • She is, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head.

    Nói theo nghĩa bóng, cô ấy đang chĩa súng vào đầu anh ta.

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in a way that shows people, animals and objects as they really look

theo cách cho thấy con người, động vật và đồ vật như chúng thực sự trông như thế nào

  • a painter who paints figuratively

    một họa sĩ vẽ theo nghĩa bóng

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