Definition of retract


rút lại


The word "retract" comes from the Latin word "retractus," which is derived from the words "re" meaning "again" or "back" and "trahere" meaning "pull" or "draw." In ancient Latin, the word "retractus" referred to something that was drawn back or withdrawn. In Middle English, the word "retracten" was used to refer to something that was drawn back or withdrawn, following the Latin usage. The word "retract" was derived from the Latin word "retractus." Over time, the meaning of "retract" evolved to include any action or statement that is withdrawn, particularly in the context of legal, academic, or philosophical matters. It came to describe any action or statement that is withdrawn in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of legal, academic, or philosophical matters. Today, "retract" is still used to describe any action or statement that is withdrawn, particularly in the context of legal, academic, or philosophical matters. In summary, the word "retract" originated in ancient Latin from the words "re" and "trahere," which mean "again" or "back" and "pull" or "draw," respectively. Its original meaning referred to something that was drawn back or withdrawn, but its meaning evolved to include any action or statement that is withdrawn, particularly in the context of legal, academic, or philosophical matters.


to say that something you have said earlier is not true or correct or that you did not mean it

để nói rằng điều gì đó bạn đã nói trước đó là không đúng sự thật hoặc chính xác hoặc bạn không có ý đó

  • He made a false confession which he later retracted.

    Anh ta đã thú nhận sai sự thật và sau đó anh ta đã rút lại.

  • They tried to persuade me to retract my words.

    Họ cố gắng thuyết phục tôi rút lại lời nói của mình.

  • to retract a claim/an allegation/a confession

    rút lại lời khẳng định/cáo buộc/lời thú nhận

to refuse to keep an agreement, a promise, etc.

từ chối giữ một thỏa thuận, một lời hứa, vv.

  • to retract an offer

    rút lại lời đề nghị

to move back into the main part of something; to pull something back into the main part of something

quay trở lại phần chính của cái gì đó; kéo cái gì đó trở lại phần chính của cái gì đó

  • The animal retracted into its shell.

    Con vật rút vào vỏ của nó.

  • The undercarriage failed to retract.

    Phần gầm không rút lại được.

  • The undercarriage was fully retracted.

    Phần gầm đã được rút lại hoàn toàn.