Definition of resurrection


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The word "resurrection" comes from the Latin phrase "resurgere," which means "to rise again." This Latin phrase is a combination of "resurgo," meaning "to rise" or "to spring up," and the suffix "-ere," which is a verbal ending indicating action. The term "resurrection" entered English from Old French in the 13th century, initially referring to the Christian concept of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and its application to human salvation. In Christianity, resurrection refers to the idea that believers will be raised from the dead, spiritually reborn, and reunited with God after their physical death. Throughout history, the concept of resurrection has been debated and interpreted in various ways, influencing cultural and literary works. Today, the word "resurrection" remains a significant concept in Christian theology and is often used metaphorically to describe personal renewal, spiritual growth, and transcendence.


the time when Jesus Christ returned to life again after his death; the time when all dead people will become alive again, when the world ends

thời điểm Chúa Jesus Christ sống lại sau khi chết; thời điểm tất cả những người chết sẽ sống lại, khi thế giới kết thúc

a new beginning for something which is old or which had disappeared or become weak

một khởi đầu mới cho một cái gì đó đã cũ hoặc đã biến mất hoặc trở nên yếu ớt