Definition of crucifixion


sự đóng đinh


The word "crucifixion" originates from the Latin words "crux," meaning cross, and "fixio," meaning fixing or fastening. In the 14th century, the term "crucifixion" emerged to describe the act of fastening or affixing a person to a cross for execution. The word is derived from the practice of crucifixion, a form of capital punishment used by the Romans, where the condemned person was nailed or tied to a cross and left to die. In the context of Christian theology, the crucifixion specifically refers to the execution by crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as described in the New Testament. The word has been used since the 16th century to describe this specific event and its significance in Christian theology. Today, the word "crucifixion" is used more broadly to describe any instance of someone being put to death on a cross, although it is most commonly associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


the act of killing somebody by fastening them to a cross

hành động giết người bằng cách trói họ vào cây thánh giá

  • the Crucifixion (= of Jesus)

    sự đóng đinh (= của Chúa Jesus)

a painting or other work of art representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

một bức tranh hoặc tác phẩm nghệ thuật khác mô tả sự đóng đinh của Chúa Jesus Christ