Definition of rebirth


sự tái sinh


The word "rebirth" originates from the Latin word "renascere," which means "to be born again." This concept is closely tied to the philosophical and spiritual ideas of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment periods in Europe. During this time, there was a renewed interest in classical Greek and Roman culture, as well as a desire to reform and reinvigorate knowledge and society. The term "rebirth" was first used in the 13th century to describe the process of spiritual transformation and renewal. It was often associated with the idea of being reborn or reincarnated, and was used to describe the process of spiritual growth and self-improvement. Over time, the term has evolved to encompass a wider range of meanings, including personal growth, transformation, and renewal. Today, "rebirth" is often used to describe a wide range of experiences, from personal milestones to cultural and social movements.


a period of new life, growth or activity

một giai đoạn của cuộc sống mới, sự phát triển hoặc hoạt động

  • the seasonal cycle of death and rebirth

    chu kỳ theo mùa của cái chết và sự tái sinh

  • The company underwent a rebirth five years ago and is now a market leader.

    Công ty đã trải qua quá trình tái sinh cách đây 5 năm và hiện đang dẫn đầu thị trường.

  • the rebirth of a ferry link between Liverpool and Ireland

    sự tái sinh của tuyến phà giữa Liverpool và Ireland

a spiritual change when a person’s faith becomes stronger or they move to another religion

một sự thay đổi về mặt tâm linh khi đức tin của một người trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn hoặc họ chuyển sang một tôn giáo khác