Definition of respectably


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"Respectably" traces its roots back to the Latin word "respectus," meaning "regard" or "consideration." It entered English in the 14th century as "respectable," meaning "worthy of respect." Over time, "respectable" evolved to describe something or someone conforming to social norms and expectations. "Respectably" followed suit, signifying conduct or behavior that aligns with those norms, indicating good standing and reputation within a community.


in a way that is considered by society to be acceptable, good or correct

theo cách được xã hội coi là có thể chấp nhận được, tốt hoặc đúng

  • respectably dressed

    ăn mặc lịch sự

fairly well; in a way that gives you no reason to be ashamed

khá tốt; theo cách khiến bạn không có lý do gì phải xấu hổ

  • The party performed respectably in the election, gaining 20% of the vote.

    Đảng đã thể hiện thành tích đáng nể trong cuộc bầu cử, giành được 20% số phiếu bầu.