Definition of creditably


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The word "creditably" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Middle English word "credit", meaning "reputation" or "faith", and the suffix "-ably", which forms an adverb. Initially, "creditably" meant "in a way that maintains or increases one's credit or reputation". In the 16th century, the meaning expanded to include the sense of "in a way that inspires or deserves trust". Over time, the word has taken on a more nuanced connotation, often implying that something is done in a way that warrants confidence, respect, or admiration. For example, "She spoke creditably about her project's innovative approach." In essence, "creditably" describes actions or behavior that instill trust, reliability, and a sense of integrity.


well enough to deserve praise or approval

đủ tốt để xứng đáng được khen ngợi hoặc chấp thuận

  • The team performed creditably.

    Đội đã có thành tích đáng khen ngợi.

in a way that is morally good

theo cách tốt về mặt đạo đức

  • They very creditably tried to help.

    Họ đã cố gắng giúp đỡ một cách rất đáng khen ngợi.