Definition of resonant


cộng hưởng


The word "resonant" originates from the Latin resonānt-, which means "sounding again." In ancient Rome, this term referred to sounds that reverberated and echoed throughout a space, producing a deep, rich resonance. Over time, the meaning of the term evolved, and in the 17th century, it began to describe objects that vibrated in response to an external force or stimulus. In physics, this concept is known as resonance, which occurs when an object's natural frequency of vibration is the same as the frequency of an external force or oscillation. As a result, the term "resonant" came to describe anything that produces a strong and persistent echo or reverberation, such as a church bell or a musical instrument when it is played. In scientific terminology, a "resonant frequency" refers to the frequency at which an object begins to vibrate with increasing amplitude in response to an external force. Today, the word "resonant" is used in a variety of contexts, often to describe phenomena that are deeply meaningful, powerful, and impactful. From a philosophical perspective, it may refer to ideas or concepts that resonate strongly with people due to their emotional or intellectual significance. In the arts and sciences, it may describe objects, systems, or theories that produce a deep and lasting resonance or echo. Due to its roots in classical physics and deep connections to a variety of fields and disciplines, the term "resonant" continues to be a rich and evocative concept that fascinates scholars and laypeople alike.


deep, clear and continuing for a long time

sâu sắc, rõ ràng và tiếp tục trong một thời gian dài

  • a deep resonant voice

    một giọng nói vang vọng sâu sắc

causing sounds to continue for a long time

làm cho âm thanh tiếp tục trong một thời gian dài

  • resonant frequencies

    tần số cộng hưởng

Related words and phrases

having the power to bring images, feelings, memories, etc. into your mind

có khả năng đưa hình ảnh, cảm xúc, ký ức, v.v. vào tâm trí bạn

  • a poem filled with resonant imagery

    một bài thơ chứa đầy hình ảnh vang dội

  • Everything was resonant with new meaning.

    Mọi thứ đều cộng hưởng với ý nghĩa mới.