Definition of replicate


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The word "replicate" has a fascinating history! The term originated in the 16th century from Latin "re" meaning "again" and "plere" meaning "to fill". Initially, it referred to the act of filling again, as in replenishing something. Over time, the meaning evolved to encompass the concept of duplication or similarity. In 1575, the first recorded use of "replicate" appeared in English literature, describing the process of filling again or replenishing a container. Later, in the 17th century, the term took on a more modern connotation, referring to the duplication or reproduction of something, such as a document or a biological process. Today, "replicate" is widely used in various fields, including science, technology, and everyday language, to describe the act of making an exact copy or duplicate of something.


to copy something exactly

sao chép chính xác cái gì đó

  • Subsequent experiments failed to replicate these findings.

    Các thí nghiệm sau đó đã thất bại trong việc tái tạo những phát hiện này.

  • The format of the seminar day will be replicated in each Sports Council region.

    Hình thức của ngày hội thảo sẽ được nhân rộng ở từng khu vực của Hội đồng Thể thao.

Related words and phrases

to produce exact copies of itself

để tạo ra các bản sao chính xác của chính nó

  • The drug prevents the virus from replicating itself.

    Thuốc ngăn chặn virus tự nhân lên.