Definition of emulate


thi đua


The word "emulate" originates from the Latin "emulare," which means "to strive to equal or excel." This Latin term is a combination of "em," meaning "in," and "imitalis," meaning "imitable." The Latin "emulare" is derived from the verb "imitalis," which is the past participle of "imitor," meaning "to imitate." The English word "emulate" was first used in the 15th century, and its primary meaning is to strive to equal or excel another's achievements or qualities. To emulate means to copy or imitate someone or something, but not just superficially. Instead, it implies a deep desire to improve oneself by learning from others and striving to perform better. Over time, the connotation of "emulate" has broadened to include not only positive actions but also competitive or rivalrous ones.


to try to do something as well as somebody else because you admire them

cố gắng làm điều gì đó tốt như người khác bởi vì bạn ngưỡng mộ họ

  • She hopes to emulate her sister's sporting achievements.

    Cô hy vọng sẽ noi gương thành tích thể thao của chị gái mình.

to work in the same way as another computer, etc. and perform the same tasks

làm việc theo cách tương tự như một máy tính khác, v.v. và thực hiện các tác vụ tương tự