Definition of renunciation


sự từ bỏ


The word "renunciation" has its roots in the 14th century, derived from the Latin words "renuntiatio" (renunciation) and "renuntiare" (to reject or disown). The term originally referred to the act of giving up or disowning something, often in a formal or solemn manner. In Christian theology, the concept of renunciation took on a new significance as a means of rejecting worldly possessions and desires to follow a life of piety and spiritual devotion. This sense of renouncing one's earthly ties was seen as a means of achieving spiritual freedom and closeness to God. Over time, the word "renunciation" broadened to encompass not only spiritual or religious acts of giving up, but also secular notions of sacrifice, surrender, and letting go. Today, the word is used in a variety of contexts to describe acts of relinquishment, abandonment, or rejection.


an act of stating publicly that you no longer believe something or that you are giving something up

hành động tuyên bố công khai rằng bạn không còn tin vào điều gì đó nữa hoặc bạn đang từ bỏ điều gì đó

  • the renunciation of violence

    sự từ bỏ bạo lực

  • the total renunciation of the use of force

    sự từ bỏ hoàn toàn việc sử dụng vũ lực

the act of rejecting physical pleasures, especially for religious reasons

hành động từ chối những thú vui thể xác, đặc biệt là vì lý do tôn giáo

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