Definition of detachment


tách rời


The word "detachment" comes from the Latin word "detractus," which meant "drawn away" or "withdrawn." In Old French, the word "desatachier" was used to describe someone who was drawn away or withdrawn from a group or organization. In Middle English, the word "disatche" was used to describe someone who was drawn away or withdrawn from a group or organization, particularly in the context of military detachments. Over time, the meaning of "detachment" evolved to include any group or unit that was separated or withdrawn from a larger organization or group. It came to describe any group or unit that was capable of functioning independently. Today, "detachment" is still used to describe any group or unit that is separated or withdrawn from a larger organization or group, particularly in the context of military detachments, police units, or medical teams. In summary, the word "detachment" originated in Old French from the Latin word "detractus," which meant "drawn away" or "withdrawn." Its original meaning described someone who was drawn away or withdrawn from a group or organization, but its meaning evolved to include any group or unit that was separated or withdrawn from a larger organization or group.


the state of not being involved in something in an emotional or personal way

trạng thái không tham gia vào việc gì đó theo cách tình cảm hoặc cá nhân

  • He answered with an air of detachment.

    Anh trả lời với vẻ thờ ơ.

  • She felt a sense of detachment from what was going on.

    Cô cảm thấy mình tách rời khỏi những gì đang diễn ra.

Extra examples:
  • She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.

    Cô nhìn cái xác với vẻ gần như thờ ơ.

  • She watched with complete detachment as the others made all the preparations.

    Cô ấy quan sát một cách hoàn toàn tách biệt khi những người khác chuẩn bị mọi thứ.

  • his increasing detachment from reality

    sự tách rời ngày càng tăng của anh ấy khỏi thực tế

Related words and phrases

the state of not being influenced by other people or by your own feelings

trạng thái không bị ảnh hưởng bởi người khác hoặc bởi cảm xúc của chính bạn

  • In judging these issues a degree of critical detachment is required.

    Khi đánh giá những vấn đề này cần có một mức độ tách biệt quan trọng.

  • The judges show impartiality and detachment.

    Ban giám khảo thể hiện sự khách quan, khách quan.

a group of soldiers, ships, etc. sent away from a larger group, especially to do special duties

một nhóm binh sĩ, tàu bè, v.v. được gửi đi từ một nhóm lớn hơn, đặc biệt là để làm nhiệm vụ đặc biệt

  • a detachment of artillery

    một đội pháo binh

Extra examples:
  • A detachment of marines was left to guard the site.

    Một đội lính thủy đánh bộ được cử đến để bảo vệ địa điểm này.

  • The attack wiped out the entire twelve-man detachment.

    Cuộc tấn công đã quét sạch toàn bộ biệt đội mười hai người.

the act of detaching something; the process of being detached from something

hành động tách rời một cái gì đó; quá trình tách ra khỏi cái gì đó

  • to suffer detachment of the retina

    bị bong võng mạc


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.