Definition of habitually


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"Habitually" comes from the Latin word "habitus," meaning "condition, state, appearance, dress." This word evolved into the Old French "habit," meaning "custom, habit." Over time, "habit" entered English and acquired the meaning of "regular, customary action." The suffix "-ally" was added to create "habitually," meaning "in a customary or regular manner." So, "habitually" traces its roots back to the Latin concept of state or condition, ultimately signifying something done consistently and with regularity.


in a way that is usual for or typical of somebody/something

theo cách thông thường hoặc điển hình của ai đó/cái gì đó

  • the dark glasses he habitually wore

    chiếc kính đen anh thường đeo

in a way that is annoying or difficult to stop, often because it has become a habit

theo một cách khó chịu hoặc khó dừng lại, thường là vì nó đã trở thành thói quen

  • We are in an era where politicians habitually lie about everything.

    Chúng ta đang ở thời đại mà các chính trị gia có thói quen nói dối về mọi thứ.