Definition of reincarnation


sự tái sinh


The word "reincarnation" has its roots in Latin and Greek language. The term "reincarnation" is derived from the Latin words "re," meaning "again," and "incarnare," meaning "to be made flesh." This Latin term was first used in the 15th century to describe the Christian concept of "rebirth" or "regeneration." However, the concept of reincarnation, or the idea that a person's spirit or soul is reborn into a new body after death, has its roots in ancient Eastern cultures, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism. The Sanskrit word "punarjanman" (पुनर्जन्मन्) and the Pali word "samsara" (सम्सार) both convey the idea of rebirth or reincarnation. The term "reincarnation" was later adopted into English in the 17th century, and has since been used to describe various belief systems, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Theosophy.


the belief that after somebody’s death their soul lives again in a new body

niềm tin rằng sau khi ai đó chết, linh hồn của họ sẽ sống lại trong một cơ thể mới

  • Do you believe in reincarnation?

    Bạn có tin vào sự tái sinh không?

a person or an animal whose body contains the soul of a dead person

một người hoặc một con vật có cơ thể chứa đựng linh hồn của một người đã chết

  • He thinks he’s the reincarnation of Attila the Hun.

    Anh ta nghĩ mình là tái sinh của Attila the Hun.