Definition of karma


nghiệp chướng


The Sanskrit word "karma" translates to "action" or "deed". However, its origins go beyond just its literal meaning. In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma takes on a deeper meaning - it refers to the universal law of cause and effect. The concept of karma posits that every action leads to a reaction, and that our past actions, known as "sanskaras," influence our present and future experiences. Karma is not viewed as a form of punishment or divine retribution but rather as a natural consequence of our choices and how they shape our reality. The ultimate goal is to cultivate positive actions and lead a virtuous life, which will lead to favorable future consequences. Thus, the term "karma" has evolved to encompass a multi-layered notion beyond mere actions, encompassing one's entire being, thoughts, and intentions.


the sum of somebody’s good and bad actions in one of their lives, believed to decide what will happen to them in the next life

tổng hợp những hành động tốt và xấu của ai đó trong một kiếp sống của họ, được cho là sẽ quyết định điều gì sẽ xảy ra với họ ở kiếp sau

the good/bad effect of doing a particular thing, being in a particular place, etc.

tác động tốt/xấu của việc làm một việc cụ thể, ở một nơi cụ thể, v.v.

  • Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma.

    Người ăn chay tin rằng ăn thịt là nghiệp xấu.