Definition of regulate


điều tiết


The origin of the word "regulate" can be traced back to the Middle English verb "regelen," which means "to arrange, adjust, or settle." This word evolved from the Old French "regeler," which comes from the Latin "regulāre," which means "to enact laws, to manage or govern." The term "regulation" has been in use since the 14th century, describing a process of fixing or adjusting things independently or for the general welfare. Regulation became a popular term in the 18th century, especially in connection with the establishment of laws and rules for society in general, such as prices, weights, and measures. During the 19th century, the significance of regulation in trade and commerce expanded as it referred to the fair and regular conduct of business practices. The concept of regulating became more important in the US during this time as it related to the US Constitution's Commerce Clause, which provided the federal government with the power to regulate interstate commerce. The modern form of the verb "regulate" is derived from the Middle English "regelen" used since the 14th century. It means "to put in order," "to adjust," "to make consistent with a standard," "to enforce," or "to impose conformity upon." In conclusion, the term "regulate" is derived from Old French and Latin roots, meaning "to enact laws, to manage, or govern," and "to arrange, adjust, or settle," respectively, and has evolved over the centuries to refer to the fair and regular conduct of business practices, as well as the establishment of rules and laws for society in general. Its Derivatives range from regularization, self-regulation, regulationist, or a regulator, all expressing different principles based on the context.


to control something by means of rules

để kiểm soát một cái gì đó bằng các quy tắc

  • The department is responsible for regulating the insurance industry.

    Bộ này chịu trách nhiệm quản lý ngành bảo hiểm.

  • The activities of credit companies are regulated by law.

    Hoạt động của các công ty tín dụng được pháp luật điều chỉnh.

  • The government accepts whaling in principle as long as it is carefully regulated.

    Về nguyên tắc, chính phủ chấp nhận việc săn bắt cá voi miễn là nó được quản lý cẩn thận.

  • It is up to the regulating authority to put the measures into effect.

    Việc áp dụng các biện pháp này là tùy thuộc vào cơ quan quản lý.

Extra examples:
  • Tobacco is a federally regulated product.

    Thuốc lá là sản phẩm được quản lý theo quy định của liên bang.

  • a code of conduct intended to regulate press reporting on the royal family

    một bộ quy tắc ứng xử nhằm điều chỉnh việc báo chí đưa tin về hoàng gia

  • a highly regulated economy

    một nền kinh tế được điều tiết cao

  • The Council was set up to regulate the fishing industry.

    Hội đồng được thành lập để quản lý ngành đánh cá.

  • The trade in these animals is highly regulated.

    Việc buôn bán những động vật này được quản lý chặt chẽ.

  • There have been several unsuccessful attempts to regulate working conditions.

    Đã có nhiều nỗ lực không thành công nhằm điều chỉnh điều kiện làm việc.

to control the speed, pressure, temperature, etc. in a machine or system

để kiểm soát tốc độ, áp suất, nhiệt độ, vv trong máy hoặc hệ thống

  • This valve regulates the flow of water.

    Van này điều chỉnh dòng chảy của nước.