Definition of registrar


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The word "registrar" originated in the medieval era when universities began to keep official records of their students and their academic progress. Initially, this role was performed by the chancellor or the vice-chancellor of the university, but as universities grew and their administrative needs became more complex, a new office was created to handle these tasks. The first use of the word "registrar" can be traced back to the University of Oxford in the late 1400s. It is believed that the word comes from the Latin word "registrare," meaning "to register." The term originally referred to a person who recorded the proceedings of legal cases, but it was adopted by universities to describe the person responsible for maintaining records of their students' academic achievements. Over time, the responsibilities of the registrar expanded beyond just academic records to include Enrollment management, student discipline, graduation processes, and other administrative duties. Today, the registrar is a critical figure in the higher education community, responsible for ensuring that students' academic journeys run smoothly, from admissions to graduation.


a person whose job is to keep official records, especially of births, marriages and deaths

người có công việc lưu giữ hồ sơ chính thức, đặc biệt là về việc sinh, kết hôn và tử vong

the senior officer who organizes the affairs of a college or university

quan chức cấp cao tổ chức công việc của một trường cao đẳng hoặc đại học

a doctor working in a British hospital who is training to become a specialist in a particular area of medicine

một bác sĩ làm việc tại một bệnh viện ở Anh đang được đào tạo để trở thành chuyên gia trong một lĩnh vực y học cụ thể

  • a paediatric registrar

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