Definition of redoubt


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The word "redoubt" has its origins in the 16th century, derived from the French word "reduit," which means "reduced" or "contracted." In military context, a redoubt referred to a small, walled or fortified enclosure, often used as a defensive position or stronghold. The term originally referred to a type of fortification where troops could gather and rest, while also providing protection from enemy fire. Over time, the term expanded to include any type of defensive structure, such as a fortified hill or a bunker. Today, the word "redoubt" is still used in military contexts to describe a defensive position or a refuge. It can also be used more broadly to describe a stronghold or a place of safety. Throughout its history, the word "redoubt" has maintained its connection to the idea of protection and defense.


a place or situation in which somebody/something is protected when they are being attacked or threatened

một nơi hoặc tình huống mà ai đó/cái gì đó được bảo vệ khi họ bị tấn công hoặc bị đe dọa

a small building from which soldiers can fight and defend themselves

một tòa nhà nhỏ mà binh lính có thể chiến đấu và tự vệ