Definition of hiding




The origins of the word "hiding" can be traced back to the Old English word "hidan," which means "to conceal" or "to hide." This word evolved through Middle English, where it was spelled "hidyn" or "hidyng," and ultimately became "hiding" in modern English. The term "hiding" is derived from the Old English verb "hidan," which itself stemmed from the Proto-Germanic root "khedjan," meaning "to cover" or "to conceal." This root can be seen in other Germanic languages, such as German "verbergen" (to hide) and Dutch "verborgen" (hidden). The Old English verb "hidan" was commonly used in compound words that indicated hiding or secrecy, such as "hideburg" (a hiding place) and "hidgata" (a mysterious or hidden event). The verb appeared frequently in religious contexts, as it was used to describe the act of concealing oneself during prayer or meditation. The Middle English form of "hidyn" (or "hidyng") was also commonly used in compounds, such as "hidyng-plow" (a plow hidden beneath the snow) and "hidyng-place" (a concealed location). The spelling evolved over time, with "y" eventually becoming "i" and "yng" shortening to "ying" and ultimately "yinge" in the 15th century. The modern English verb "hiding" is still used to describe the act of concealing or keeping something out of sight, and is pronounced [hiD''iNG].


the state of being hidden

tình trạng bị ẩn

  • We spent months in hiding.

    Chúng tôi đã phải lẩn trốn nhiều tháng trời.

  • After the trial, she had to go into hiding for several weeks.

    Sau phiên tòa, cô phải lẩn trốn trong vài tuần.

  • He only came out of hiding ten years after the war was over.

    Anh ta chỉ ra khỏi nơi ẩn náu mười năm sau khi chiến tranh kết thúc.

the act of hiding something

hành động che giấu điều gì đó

  • I could understand the hiding of certain military secrets.

    Tôi có thể hiểu được việc che giấu một số bí mật quân sự.

a physical punishment, usually involving being hit hard many times

một hình phạt về thể xác, thường liên quan đến việc bị đánh mạnh nhiều lần

  • to give somebody/get a (good) hiding

    đưa cho ai đó/có được một nơi ẩn náu (tốt)

  • The team got a hiding in their last game.

    Đội đã trốn trong trận đấu cuối cùng của họ.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


on a hiding to nothing
(British English, informal)having no chance of success, or not getting much advantage even if you do succeed