Definition of rectilinear


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The word "rectilinear" originates from the Latin words "rectus," meaning "straight" or "right," and "linear," meaning "line." In the 15th century, the term "rectilinear" emerged in English to describe something that is composed of straight lines or angles. In geometry, rectilinear shapes refer to figures with straight sides, such as lines, rectangles, and squares. In architecture and engineering, rectilinear design refers to the use of angles and straight lines in building structures, decorative elements, and ornaments. The term is also used in physics and astronomy to describe the paths of objects moving in a straight line, such as projectiles or celestial bodies. Throughout history, the concept of rectilinear shapes has played a significant role in various fields, including art, design, and science. The word "rectilinear" remains a fundamental term in many disciplines, used to describe and analyze the properties and behaviors of objects and shapes with straight edges.


in a straight line

theo một đường thẳng

  • rectilinear motion

    chuyển động thẳng

having straight lines

có các đường thẳng

  • rectilinear forms

    hình dạng thẳng