Definition of vertical


thẳng đứng, đứng


Definition of undefined

The word "vertical" originates from the Latin word "verticalis," which means "standing upright." This Latin word is a combination of "vertere," meaning "to turn," and the suffix "-alis," indicating a relation to something. In the 14th century, the word "vertical" was borrowed into Middle English from Old French, where it was spelled "verticale." Initially, the word referred to something standing upright or perpendicular to the horizon. Over time, the meaning of "vertical" expanded to include senses such as "straight up and down" or "perpendicular to the horizontal." Today, the word is used in various contexts, including architecture, engineering, and everyday language.


going straight up or down from a level surface or from top to bottom in a picture, etc.

đi thẳng lên hoặc đi xuống từ một bề mặt bằng phẳng hoặc từ trên xuống dưới trong một bức tranh, v.v.

  • the vertical axis of the graph

    trục tung của đồ thị

  • The cliff was almost vertical.

    Vách đá gần như thẳng đứng.

  • There was a vertical drop to the ocean.

    Có một cú rơi thẳng đứng xuống đại dương.

Related words and phrases

having a structure in which there are top, middle and bottom levels

có cấu trúc trong đó có cấp trên, cấp giữa và cấp dưới

  • a vertical flow of communication

    luồng giao tiếp theo chiều dọc

Related words and phrases

passed from one generation to the next

được truyền từ thế hệ này sang thế hệ khác

  • 4% of these infections result from vertical transmission from mother to baby.

    4% số ca nhiễm trùng này là do lây truyền dọc từ mẹ sang con.