Definition of horizontal


chân trời, ở chân trời, ngang, nằm ngang


Definition of undefined

The word "horizontal" has its roots in Latin and Old French. The Latin word "horizontalis" means "in a straight line, level" and is derived from the words "horum," meaning "line" or "border," and "tensor," meaning "stretch" or "extend." In the 15th century, the Latin term was borrowed into Middle French as "horizontal," with the same meaning. The term was first used in English in the 15th century to describe lines or surfaces that are parallel to the horizon, or the apparent line where the earth meets the sky. Over time, the term came to be used more broadly to describe any line or direction that is parallel to the horizon, whether it's a line on a graph, a direction of movement, or a vanishing point in perspective drawing. Today, "horizontal" is a common adjective used to describe many different concepts, from linguistics to architecture to physics.


flat and level; going across and parallel to the ground rather than going up and down

bằng phẳng và bằng phẳng; đi ngang và song song với mặt đất chứ không phải đi lên và đi xuống

  • horizontal lines

    đường ngang

  • I was so tired, I just wanted to be horizontal (= lying down).

    Tôi mệt quá, tôi chỉ muốn nằm ngang (= nằm xuống).

Related words and phrases

having a structure in which all people, activities, etc. are on the same level

có một cấu trúc trong đó tất cả mọi người, hoạt động, vv đều ở cùng cấp độ

  • The new CEO wants to introduce a more horizontal management structure.

    Giám đốc điều hành mới muốn giới thiệu một cơ cấu quản lý theo chiều ngang hơn.

Related words and phrases