Definition of regeneration


sự tái sinh


The word "regeneration" has its roots in the Latin words "regenerare," meaning "to bring again" and "generare," meaning "to generate" or "to produce." The Latin term "regeneratio" is derived from these roots and refers to the process of being born again or renewed. In the 15th century, the term "regeneration" was borrowed into Middle English from Old French, where it was spelled "rengeneracioun." Initially, it referred to spiritual rebirth or conversion, as in the Reformation's emphasis on individual renewal through faith. Over time, the term evolved to encompass broader concepts, such as physical recovery or development, and even scientific contexts like cellular renewal in biology. Today, "regeneration" encompasses a wide range of meanings, from spiritual transformation to tissue regeneration and beyond.


the process of making an area, institution, etc. develop and grow strong again

quá trình làm cho một khu vực, một tổ chức, v.v. phát triển và lớn mạnh trở lại

  • economic regeneration

    tái thiết kinh tế

the process of growing again

quá trình phát triển trở lại

  • the regeneration of cells in the body

    sự tái tạo các tế bào trong cơ thể

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