Definition of metamorphosis


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The word "metamorphosis" originated from the ancient Greek language. In Greek, "meta" means change, and "morphoe" means shape or form. Hence, "metamorphosis" literally translates to "a change in shape" or "transformation." The term initially referred to the transformation undergone by certain insects during their life cycle. This process involves complete changes in body structure and behavior, such as the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly or a beetle into a pupa. The word "metamorphosis" has since been adopted and used in other contexts beyond biology. In literature, it refers to a transformative event, often symbolic, in a character's development. In psychology, it denotes the idea of personal transformation or adjustment to a new stage of life. The widespread use of the word "metamorphosis" reflects the universal human fascination with change, growth, and transformation. It highlights the dynamic nature of life and reminds us that change is an ongoing and necessary part of existence.


the process in which an insect or an amphibian (such as a frog) changes from its young form to its adult form in two or more separate stages

quá trình trong đó côn trùng hoặc động vật lưỡng cư (chẳng hạn như ếch) thay đổi từ dạng non sang dạng trưởng thành ở hai hoặc nhiều giai đoạn riêng biệt

  • the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly

    sự biến thái của sâu bướm thành bướm

a process in which somebody/something changes completely into something different

một quá trình trong đó ai đó/cái gì đó thay đổi hoàn toàn thành một cái gì đó khác

  • She had undergone an amazing metamorphosis from awkward schoolgirl to beautiful woman.

    Cô đã trải qua một sự lột xác đáng kinh ngạc từ một nữ sinh vụng về trở thành một phụ nữ xinh đẹp.

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