Definition of pudding


bánh pudding


The word "pudding" has its origins in the Old English word "pydding," which means "a soft meal." This term was used to describe a simple dish made from boiled wheat, peas, and spices. Over time, the meaning of the term "pudding" evolved to refer to various dishes that were boiled or steamed and often flavored with spices. In medieval times, pudding typically referred to a dish made from meats, such as pork or beef, that were combined with breadcrumbs, spices, and other ingredients and then boiled or steamed in a bag or cloth. As ingredients and cooking techniques changed over the centuries, so did the definition of "pudding." In the 18th century, the word came to describe dessert dishes made from ingredients like flour, milk, and sugar, which were often flavored with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. Today, the term "pudding" encompasses a wide range of dishes, some sweet and some savory, that vary widely by region and culture. In the United States, for example, "pudding" often refers to a dessert dish made from flour, sugar, and milk, while in other parts of the world, "pudding" may refer to a type of sausage or a savory porridge-like dish made from oatmeal or other grains. Despite these variations, the origins of the word "pudding" remain rooted in the idea of a soft, boiled or steamed dish that is both comforting and filling. Whether sweet or savory, pudding continues to be a beloved and versatile food that has stood the test of time.


a sweet dish eaten at the end of a meal

một món ăn ngọt được ăn vào cuối bữa ăn

  • What's for pudding?

    Có gì cho bánh pudding?

  • I haven't made a pudding today.

    Hôm nay tôi chưa làm bánh pudding.

Related words and phrases

a hot sweet dish, often like a cake, made from flour, fat and eggs with fruit, jam, etc. in or on it

một món ăn ngọt nóng, thường giống như một chiếc bánh, được làm từ bột mì, mỡ và trứng với hoa quả, mứt, v.v. bên trong hoặc bên trên

  • treacle pudding

    bánh pudding mật đường

a hot dish like a pie with soft pastry made from flour, fat and eggs and usually filled with meat

một món ăn nóng như bánh nhân bánh mềm làm từ bột mì, mỡ và trứng và thường có nhân thịt

  • a steak and kidney pudding

    bánh pudding bít tết và thận

a cold dessert (= a sweet dish) like cream that tastes of fruit, chocolate, etc.

một món tráng miệng lạnh (= một món ngọt) như kem có vị trái cây, sô cô la, v.v.

  • chocolate pudding

    bánh pudding sô cô la

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