Definition of proffer




The word "proffer" originally comes from the Old French word "proferre," which means "to offer" or "to present." This French word, in turn, became "proferre" in Middle English. The modern English spelling and pronunciation of the word, "proffer," evolved from the Middle English spelling over time. The meaning of the word has remained largely consistent throughout its history. It is used in legal contexts to refer to an offer made under certain conditions or circumstances, often in relation to legal proceedings, in which the person making the offer is bound by the terms unless it is expressly withdrawn or rejected. Over time, "proffer" has become a useful and important term in legal and related fields, as it allows for a precise and specific description of offers and their accompanying conditions and circumstances.


to offer something to somebody, by holding it out to them

đưa cái gì đó cho ai đó, bằng cách đưa nó ra cho họ

  • ‘Try this,’ she said, proffering a plate.

    “Hãy thử món này,” cô nói và đưa ra một chiếc đĩa.

  • He bent forward to kiss her proffered cheek.

    Anh cúi xuống hôn lên má cô.

  • She proffered him her cheek to kiss.

    Cô đưa má cho anh hôn.

  • She proffered her cheek to him to kiss.

    Cô đưa má mình cho anh hôn.

to offer something such as advice or an explanation

để cung cấp một cái gì đó như lời khuyên hoặc một lời giải thích

  • I wonder if I might proffer an opinion?

    Tôi tự hỏi liệu tôi có thể đưa ra ý kiến ​​được không?

  • What advice would you proffer to someone starting up in business?

    Bạn sẽ đưa ra lời khuyên gì cho người mới bắt đầu kinh doanh?

  • What advice would you proffer her?

    Bạn sẽ đưa ra lời khuyên gì cho cô ấy?

  • A solution proffered itself.

    Một giải pháp được đưa ra.