Definition of primer




The word "primer" originates from the Latin word "primitivus," which means "first" or "original." In the Middle Ages, when books were written by hand, a "primitiva" was a small book or set of pages containing the alphabet, prayers, and simple reading texts. These primitivas served as learning aids, or primers, for beginners who were learning to read and write. Over time, the use of the term "primer" expanded. In painting, a primer is a layer of paint applied to a surface to prepare it for further coats of paint. In a mechanical or technical sense, a primer may refer to a starting point or an introductory explanation of a concept or process. In education, a primer is a book or workbook designed to teach the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic to young children. These primers typically contain simple words, phrases, and pictures to help children A) recognize letters and words, and B) learn to associate spoken words with written symbols. In this way, primers help to establish the foundation for higher-level reading skills. In modern English, the term "primer" can also refer to a device or object that serves as an introduction or starting point, such as a primer for a gun, which is a small amount of explosive that ignites the main charge, or a priming compound, which is used to ignite the charge in a solid-fuel rocket motor. In short, the origin of the word "primer" can be traced back to the Latin term for "first" or "original," and it reflects its traditional usage as a learning aid for beginners in various fields, as well as its more modern applications as a foundational component of broader systems.


a type of paint that is put on wood, metal, etc. before it is painted to help the paint to stay on the surface

một loại sơn được phủ lên gỗ, kim loại, v.v. trước khi sơn để giúp sơn bám trên bề mặt

a book that contains basic instructions

một cuốn sách có chứa hướng dẫn cơ bản

  • The President doesn't need a primer on national security.

    Tổng thống không cần một bài học sơ lược về an ninh quốc gia.

a book for teaching children how to read, or containing basic facts about a school subject

cuốn sách dạy trẻ em đọc hoặc chứa đựng những thông tin cơ bản về một môn học ở trường