Definition of prematurely




The word "prematurely" is derived from the Old French words "pre" meaning "before" and "matur" meaning "ripe" or "grown". This Old French word "matur" is actually a translation of the Latin word "maturus", which also means "ripe" or "grown". In the 14th century, Middle English transformed the Old French "pre" and "matur" into the adverbial form "prematurely". This means at a time before something is expected to happen or reach a certain stage of development. The word gained widespread use and has since been used to describe events or actions that occur before the expected or intended time.


before the normal or expected time

trước thời gian bình thường hoặc dự kiến

  • Her hair became prematurely white.

    Tóc bà bạc sớm.

before the normal length of pregnancy has been completed

trước khi thời gian mang thai bình thường kết thúc

  • The child was born prematurely.

    Đứa trẻ sinh non.

too soon

quá sớm

  • Tomatoes won't ripen if they're harvested prematurely.

    Cà chua sẽ không chín nếu thu hoạch sớm.