Definition of precarity


sự bấp bênh


The word "precarity" has its roots in Latin. It comes from the word "precarius," which means "obtained by begging" or "obtained by seeking aid." In the 15th century, the Latin word was adopted into Middle French as "précariat," and later into Early Modern English as "precarity." Initially, the term referred to the state of being beset by hardships or difficulties, often caused by poverty or poverty-related issues. Over time, the meaning of "precarity" has expanded to encompass a broader sense of uncertainty, instability, and vulnerability. Today, the term is often used in academic and socio-economic contexts to describe precarious labor, precarious living situations, and the effects of globalization on working-class communities. Despite its evolution, the word's core meaning remains tied to the idea of living on the margins, characterized by a constant sense of uncertainty and risk.


the state of not being safe or certain

tình trạng không được an toàn hoặc chắc chắn

  • The precarity of the property market is very worrying for the economy.

    Sự bấp bênh của thị trường bất động sản đang gây lo ngại rất lớn cho nền kinh tế.

a state of not having a secure job or income, especially over a long period of time

tình trạng không có công việc hoặc thu nhập ổn định, đặc biệt là trong một thời gian dài

  • Since the financial crisis many more people have been experiencing extreme precarity.

    Kể từ cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính, nhiều người đã phải trải qua tình trạng bấp bênh tột độ.

  • Economic precarity is at the heart of the gig economy.

    Sự bất ổn về kinh tế là cốt lõi của nền kinh tế việc làm tự do.