Definition of poke1




The origin of the word "poke" with the meaning of "a thick stew made with potatoes, meat, and sometimes vegetables" can be traced back to the English language in the 18th century. The exact etymology of the word is unclear, but it is believed to have originated from the word "poch" or "poch," which was a Scottish dialect word meaning "a large pot or kettle" that was used to cook stews. The word "poch" may, in turn, have originated from the Old Norse word "pakki," meaning "cooking pot." In the Scottish dialect, "poch" was sometimes spelled as "pok," which then evolved into the modern English word "poke." The meaning of "poke" as a thick stew emerged in the early 1800s in the United States, where it was likely influenced by traditional English stews and soups cooked in large pots. The word "poke" quickly caught on in American English, as it was a practical and descriptive term for a hearty dish that could be made in a large pot. In summary, the origin of the word "poke" in the sense of a stew can be traced back to the Scottish dialect word "poch" or "poch," which may have originally come from the Old Norse word "pakki." The word then evolved in American English to describe a thick stew made in a large pot, likely influenced by traditional English cookery.


to quickly push your fingers or another object into somebody/something

đẩy nhanh ngón tay của bạn hoặc vật khác vào ai đó/cái gì đó

  • She poked him in the ribs with her elbow.

    Cô dùng cùi chỏ chọc vào sườn anh.

  • She poked her elbow into his ribs.

    Cô thúc cùi chỏ vào mạng sườn anh.

  • I'm sick of being poked and prodded by doctors.

    Tôi phát ngán vì bị bác sĩ chọc ghẹo rồi.

  • She got up and poked the fire (= to make it burn more strongly).

    Cô ấy đứng dậy và châm lửa (= để làm cho nó cháy mạnh hơn).

Related words and phrases

to push something somewhere or move it in a particular direction with a small quick movement

đẩy cái gì đó đi đâu đó hoặc di chuyển nó theo một hướng cụ thể với một chuyển động nhanh nhỏ

  • He poked his head around the corner to check that nobody was coming.

    Anh thò đầu vào góc để kiểm tra xem có ai đến không.

  • Someone had poked a message under the door.

    Ai đó đã chọc một tin nhắn dưới cửa.

  • Don't poke her eye out with that stick!

    Đừng chọc mắt cô ấy bằng cây gậy đó!

  • The man poked a finger at my shirt.

    Người đàn ông chọc một ngón tay vào áo tôi.

if an object is poking out of, through, etc. something, you can see a part of it that is no longer covered by something else

nếu một vật thể thò ra khỏi, xuyên qua, v.v. thứ gì đó, bạn có thể thấy một phần của nó không còn bị che phủ bởi thứ khác

  • The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall.

    Đầu cáp nhô ra khỏi tường.

  • A bony elbow poked through a hole in his sweater.

    Một khuỷu tay xương xẩu chọc qua một lỗ trên áo len của anh.

  • Clumps of grass poked up through the snow.

    Những đám cỏ nhô lên qua tuyết.

to make a hole in something by pushing your finger or another object into it

tạo một lỗ trên vật gì đó bằng cách ấn ngón tay hoặc vật khác vào đó

  • The kids poked holes in the ice with sticks.

    Bọn trẻ dùng gậy chọc lỗ trên băng.

to have sex with somebody

quan hệ tình dục với ai đó


poke fun at somebody/something
to say unkind things about somebody/something in order to make other people laugh at them
  • Her novels poke fun at the upper class.
  • She’s always poking fun at herself.
  • poke/stick your nose into something
    (informal)to try to become involved in something that should not involve you
  • He’s always poking his nose into other people’s business.