Definition of placeholder


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The word "placeholder" has its roots in Latin. In Latin, the word "locum tenens" (pronounced low-koom ten-ens) means "holding its place" or "filling a space." This phrase was used to describe a person who temporarily filled a position or a document that served as a temporary substitute for a future, and more complete, document. Over time, the phrase "locum tenens" evolved into the English word "placeholder," which initially referred to a person or thing that filled a position or space temporarily. The meaning of the word expanded to include any item or piece of writing that held a position or spot until a more permanent solution was found. Today, the term "placeholder" is commonly used in various contexts, including technology, design, and everyday language, to describe a temporary or provisional solution that holds a specific spot until a more permanent one is found.


a symbol or piece of text that temporarily replaces something that is missing

một biểu tượng hoặc một đoạn văn bản tạm thời thay thế thứ gì đó bị thiếu

an item which is necessary in a sentence, but does not have real meaning, for example the word ‘it’ in ‘It’s a shame she left.’

một mục cần thiết trong câu nhưng không có ý nghĩa thực sự, ví dụ từ 'it' trong 'It's a shame she left.'