Definition of pie


bánh nướng


Definition of undefined

The word "pie" has a long and delicious history! The origin of the word "pie" can be traced back to the 1300s when it was borrowed from the Old French word "pvie," which referred to a pastry dish. This Old French word is believed to have been derived from the Latin word "plaga," meaning a layer or a fold, likely referring to the layered pastry crust. The word "pie" initially referred to a dish made with fruit or meat encased in a pastry crust, similar to how we use the word today. Over time, the spelling of the word evolved to "pie," and its meaning expanded to include various fillings and toppings. Today, the word "pie" is a staple in many cuisines around the world, and its delicious variations are enjoyed by people of all ages!

  • After indulging in a delicious apple pie, I couldn't help but ask for seconds.

    Sau khi thưởng thức chiếc bánh táo ngon lành, tôi không thể không xin thêm chiếc nữa.

  • The aroma of homemade pumpkin pie wafted through the kitchen, making my mouth water.

    Mùi thơm của bánh bí ngô tự làm lan tỏa khắp bếp khiến tôi thèm chảy nước miếng.

  • My grandmother's famous cherry pie was the highlight of our family dinner gathering.

    Chiếc bánh anh đào nổi tiếng của bà tôi là điểm nhấn trong bữa tối sum họp gia đình.

  • The supermarket's bakery displayed a variety of pies, from classic apple to indulgent chocolate cream.

    Tiệm bánh của siêu thị trưng bày nhiều loại bánh, từ bánh táo truyền thống đến bánh kem sô-cô-la hấp dẫn.

  • The pastry chef proudly presented the savory chicken pot pie as the featured dish for tonight's dinner menu.

    Đầu bếp bánh ngọt tự hào giới thiệu món bánh nướng gà mặn là món ăn đặc trưng cho thực đơn bữa tối hôm nay.

  • The slice of pecan pie, complete with a flaky crust and gooey filling, was a perfect ending to my meal.

    Miếng bánh hồ đào, với lớp vỏ giòn tan và phần nhân dẻo, là món kết thúc hoàn hảo cho bữa ăn của tôi.

  • My friend's pet dog couldn't resist begging for a bite of the berry pie, despite it being strictly for humans.

    Chú chó cưng của bạn tôi không thể cưỡng lại việc nài nỉ được cắn một miếng bánh dâu tây, mặc dù nó chỉ dành cho con người.

  • We ended our picnic with the perfect dessert, a flaky vegetable pot pie, served with a side of sweet, homemade pie.

    Chúng tôi kết thúc chuyến dã ngoại của mình bằng món tráng miệng hoàn hảo, bánh nướng rau củ xốp, ăn kèm với bánh ngọt tự làm.

  • The dessert buffet at the wedding had a vast assortment of delicious pies, including banana cream, peach, and mixed berry.

    Tiệc tráng miệng tại đám cưới có rất nhiều loại bánh ngon, bao gồm bánh kem chuối, bánh đào và bánh quả mọng hỗn hợp.

  • After devouring a rich chocolate pie with a meringue topping, I decided to skip the evening run and opted for a long nap instead.

    Sau khi ăn hết một chiếc bánh sô cô la béo ngậy với lớp phủ meringue, tôi quyết định bỏ qua việc chạy bộ buổi tối và thay vào đó chọn một giấc ngủ dài.


as American as apple pie
used to say that something is typical of America
as easy as anything/as pie/as ABC/as falling off a log
(informal)very easy or very easily
  • The whole procedure is as easy as ABC.
  • Fooling him was as easy as falling off a log.
  • as nice as pie
    (informal)very kind and friendly, especially when you are not expecting it
    eat humble pie
    to say and show that you are sorry for a mistake that you made
    have a finger in every pie
    (informal)to be involved in a lot of different activities and have influence over them, especially when other people think that this is annoying
    a piece/slice/share of the pie
    a share of the available money or benefits that you believe you have a right to
  • The company is demanding a larger slice of the corporate pie.
  • pie in the sky
    (informal)an event that somebody talks about that seems very unlikely to happen
  • This talk of moving to Australia is all just pie in the sky.