Definition of percolate


thấm qua


The word "percolate" has its roots in Latin. The verb "percolare" means "to flow through" or "to filter through". This Latin term was derived from "per" meaning "through" and "colare" meaning "to strain" or "to filter". In the 16th century, the word "percolate" was borrowed into Middle English from Italian, where it was used to describe the process of filtering coffee or other liquids. At this time, coffee was a novelty in Europe, and the process of brewing coffee was still being experimented with. Over time, the meaning of "percolate" expanded to include not only the brewing of coffee but also the concept of filtering or transmitting ideas, information, or emotions through a process or medium. Today, the word is often used in fields such as business, education, and psychology to describe the flow of knowledge or influence from one person or group to another.


to move gradually through a surface that has very small holes or spaces in it

di chuyển dần dần qua một bề mặt có những lỗ hoặc khoảng trống rất nhỏ

  • Water had percolated down through the rocks.

    Nước đã thấm xuống qua các tảng đá.

  • Nitrates may take 20 years to percolate through to the underground streams.

    Nitrat có thể mất 20 năm để thẩm thấu vào các dòng suối ngầm.

to gradually become known or spread through a group or society

dần dần được biết đến hoặc lan truyền trong một nhóm hoặc xã hội

  • It had percolated through to us that something interesting was about to happen.

    Qua đó, chúng tôi có thể cảm nhận được rằng có điều gì đó thú vị sắp xảy ra.

  • Changes percolate through gradually.

    Những thay đổi diễn ra dần dần.

to make coffee in a percolator; to be made in this way

pha cà phê bằng bình pha cà phê; được pha theo cách này